Pay Per View movies, PPV adult videos or pay per minute porn movies -
arrrrrrrr what the heck does all this mean? Basically all the same
PPV VOD is about just paying for the porn you stream to your PC
and is just about the best way to stream porn movies onto your
computer or laptop!
How does PPV adult movies
OK first how many times have you bought an adult video and wished
you'd not? The cover looks great, even the porn stars are pretty
hot but when you play it it's a PIG! Yep it's happened to me loads
of time, but with PPV stream it never happens...
Because if the movie is crap you turn it off and only pay for
what you've streamed - here's a few FAQs on using pay per view
or pay per minute porn videos:
Question : - What is PPV, Pay Per View & Pay Per Minute - and are they all the same?
Answer : - PPV, Pay Per View OR pay per minute
adult movies are all the same thing, in a nutshell it's about only
paying for the porn you stream or watch, so once you close the
movie down you don't pay for anymore, so if you've watched 5 minutes
that is all you pay for.
Question : - Do I need any special equipment
to use PPV adult streaming?
Answer : - Nope all
you need is Real player or Windows
Media Player which you should already have installed.
Question : - Is PPV expensive?
Answer : - Nope, it works out to be around 4p
per minute to stream the movies and you buy time in chunks starting
at £4 going up to £25. But there's no membership cost and once your
time runs out that's it until you buy some more.
Question : - What's shown on my credit card?
Answer : -
Question :- How fast does PPV stream the movies?
Answer : - Almost straight away, it's the same
as streaming adult videos.
Question : - Is PPV streaming movies just as
good as streaming or video download?
Answer : - With PPV the quality is the same as
streaming, but it's not as high as adult download as that's DVD quality. To give you some idea why not try out this free
PPV sample then you'll see for yourself what's
on offer.
Question : - What if something goes wrong and
the PPV adult movie won't play?
Answer : - No problem, we have 24/7
support using "Live
Talk" so someone will always be at hand if you get stuck,
although problems don't normally happen.
Question :- I've still got questions about PPV
VOD adult streaming?
Answer :- Click here to get all the tecky type stuff answered.
So, how about giving PPV VOD a chance?
Trust me it is the best way to watch great porn on your PC 247!